SWI Fund

Strongwoman Ireland Fund

Our fund was set up to help fund athletes who are travelling internationally to compete and represent Ireland. In 2022 alone, we sponsored 3 athletes get to world level competitions! In 2023, we hope to be able to grow that even more. 

By investing in SWI merchandise, and entering our competitions, you are straight away donating to the SWI Fund. The committee see none of these funds as it goes back into running more events, and of course goes back into the SWI Fund to raise more for future sponsorships. 

Strongwoman Ireland Sponsorship

The SWI Athlete Sponsorship is currently reserved for active strongwomen in Ireland who are seeking to compete at an International level. SWI strive to help all athletes who apply to the best of our ability.

If you are hoping to compete internationally please don't hesitate and complete the link here.